
Let's transform

our ordering


Wishibam reinventing the interaction between users and data to simplify order management and enhance inventory management

Design ui/Ux
4 months

The challenge

As a Ui/Ux designer, the exciting challenge I took on was to transform the complexity of order and inventory management into an intuitive and seamless experience. I was faced with the exhilarating task of creating interfaces that solve the problems of coordination, inventory visibility and communication between stakeholders.

The goal

Our ultimate goal was to shape an application that combines functionality and aesthetics, providing users with an unprecedented order management and inventory management experience. My intention was to reimagine the way companies interact with management tools by providing an interface that lightens their workload while being visually captivating.

the process

My approach as a Ui/Ux designer started with a deep immersion in the universe of users. I undertook careful research to understand their needs and expectations. Using this information, I created smooth and optimized user journeys, ensuring that every interaction was intuitive and enjoyable. User feedback has been a constant compass, guiding me through the design process.


We have carefully designed every visual aspect of the Apprunner app. Every pixel, every color and every transition has been shaped to create a cohesive and enjoyable visual experience. From the login screens, where the first contact is established, to the inventory management dashboards, each interface has been designed to combine aesthetics and functionality. Design choices, such as soothing color palettes and self-explanatory icons, have been painstakingly made to highlight ease of use.