
"We open

the doors to

your new rental"

Openhouse is your guarantor in France.
A french solution that ensures your peace of mind !

motion design
1 week

The challenge

OpenHouse needed an effective way to present its concept of rental guarantees to a wider audience. As a motion designer, I was in charge of creating two Bumper Ads videos for the YouTube platform. My challenge was to design videos that grab the audience's attention while presenting the benefits of OpenHouse in a clear and concise way.

The goal

My mission was to create two videos in Bumper Ads that demonstrated the added value of OpenHouse. I worked closely with the OpenHouse team to understand their unique value proposition and find the most eye-catching visuals to showcase them. Using my expertise in motion design, I created effective videos that helped spread OpenHouse's message to a wider audience and promote trust in renting.


Having a good guarantor for your rental file is not an easy thing. To help you, OpenHouse has developed
the perfect product : the OpenHouse caution. Concretely, OpenHouse acts as guarantor for all tenants !
(Student, fixed-term contract, temporary worker, active during a trial period, self-employed, retired...) whatever your status, OpenHouse can be the reinforcement for your rental file and allow you to access the accommodation of your dreams.


40,000 tenants have already chosen the OpenHouse deposit. Reactivity, listening, facility, professionalism.
Thanks to the OpenHouse guarantee, you no longer need to look for a guarantor in your surroundings.
Whatever your profile, OpenHouse can act as guarantor, support your rental file and assist you in your search
to access the accommodation of your choice.